Medill News Service
As an urban affairs reporter for the Medill News Service, I covered health care reform from January through March 2014. I followed the progression and development of the Affordable Care Act, from its inception at the beginning of the year to the open enrollment deadline. Articles examined its implementation, impact, implications and challenges, at individual, community, city, state and national levels.
New website helps consumers compare ACA plans in Illinois
March 13, 2014
After months of nationwide struggle to purchase insurance coverage in the Affordable Care Act online exchanges, a new health plan comparison tool has been implemented in Illinois to make enrollment less complicated for consumers. [Full story]
Copays and coinsurance fees are higher for many under the ACA
February 27, 2014
The Affordable Care Act’s new health insurance plans do cover prescriptions, but they might be less affordable than anticipated. [Read more]
With 40 days to the finish line, race is on to boost ACA enrollment
February 19, 2014
Affordable Care Act enrollment in Illinois has increased since the end of December – but the race isn’t over yet. [Read more]
Illinois, The Onion use satire to reach ‘young invincibles’
February 12, 2014
Getting young people to be aware of the Affordable Care Act enrollment deadline could be as easy as peeling back the layers of The Onion satire news website. [Read more]
Grassroots coalition checks in with check up on ACA enrollment
February 12, 2014
Ilene Wolf said she is shocked at the number of people she meets who don’t know about the new health care law [Read more]
Culture shift: Affordable Care Act impact still unclear for hospitals, but change is going to come, analysts say
February 6, 2014
Though more than a month has passed since certain Affordable Care Act provisions went into effect Jan. 1, the law’s impact on daily operations of hospitals remains unknown. [Read more]
Statewide education efforts continue during ACA open enrollment
January 23, 2014
Following the release of Affordable Care Act enrollment figures last week from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, organizations in Illinois are continuing to educate people about health insurance options during the remainder of the open enrollment period. [Read more]
Chicagoans spill their knowledge about the Affordable Care Act
March 18, 2014
Chicago-area residents share their opinions about issues surrounding the new health care law: available information, the public's knowledge and contributing factors to ACA problems.